Bunnahabhain Auld Rare 1989 28y Cask #5836

Velvety Chocolate

Reviewed by victor

Auld Rare - a Swedish independent bottler founded in 2008. Briefly tried this at a whisky fair and brought a sample back home in order to taste it properly.

0.9 (Amontillado Sherry)


Mm, nice and soft. Full-bodied and fresh with some citrus and a big load of vanilla. Sweet, like a nice dark chocolate. Not very intense.


Dry-ish, a little peppery. Malty, less fruit than the nose. Any wood notes that appear are starting to flirt with old wood territory but stay tasty. Velvety mouthfeel.


The palate-to-finish transition is almost unnoticeable. The finish itself is medium-long with an every so slight bitterness added to the mix. Leaves an oily aftertaste.

Certainly a soft whisky. Well aged, well rounded. It's the kind that is to be enjoyed slowly. Not because it's demanding, but because it has a slow character itself. Not much to complain about here, it's a great whisky!


84 / 100
0-50 Subpar 51-60 Drinkable 61-70 Decent 71-80 Good 81-90 Great 91-100 Fantastic

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