Old Pulteney Vintage 1983 33y


Reviewed by victor

Let's do this. I've been fortunate enough to try the 35 year old before, and it was at the time the best Scotch I've ever tasted. I caught wind that the 1983 Vintage might be up there as well, and I finally caved in. I got a bottle and I'm meaning to find find people to split it with, it's not exactly bang for your buck territory here. Anyway, gotta try it at least once myself. The "33 years old" statement is hidden at the back of the box for some reason, but it's there nonetheless. Old. Old Pulteney. I'm not going to even pretend to be unbiased here.

1.7 (Burnt umber)


Nose is... deep. Dark, round, plentiful. It's full of furniture polish, leather and tons of fruit. Orange peels, apricots, cinnamon, candlewax, pineapple. Chocolate. To me, this is a perfect 10/10 nose. Stunning.


Tropical fruits - more pineapple. A surprisingly fresh start, shifting towards plums and a slightly tannic continuation. There is a lot to keep track of here - wood, shaving foam, almonds, and a delicious creaminess. Soft and velvety mouthfeel.


A soft spiciness, not overpowering. Growing. The finish delivers at least two waves of warmth and flavor before fading away, and that's impressive for a mere 46% and usually reserved for high-proof cask strenghters. Ends in a typical sherry-heavy fashion with winey, dry lingering taste with a fading backdrop of fruit. The finish is certainly not very exciting or or complex, but gorgeous and gentle. Not disappointing in the slightest way.

Again, the nose is perfect. It's a benchmark nose, for sure. Epiphanic completeless and utter serenity. The age shines through a little more as we experience this phenomenal whisky, but never too much. It has plenty of punch and is surprisingly tropical - I love that. Plenty of complexity to go along with a well executed composition. I could go on and on, but I'd have to fight hard against the urge to pour myself another dram. I obviously can't afford to drink this stuff casually. It's truly special and among the absolute best I've had. Now if I can get my hands on a splash of the 35 year old...


97 / 100
0-50 Subpar 51-60 Drinkable 61-70 Decent 71-80 Good 81-90 Great 91-100 Fantastic

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